Royal AU

Back in July of this year (2023), I read a drabble collection on AO3 by BGSparrow called "In A Kingdom Far, Far Away", featuring an AU where Marty is a medieval prince. I decided I'd do my own version, but based in the 19th century instead (as I know this period of European royal history somewhat well).

The AU is an alternate history, where North America is a collection of monarchies. Most of the west coast of what we call the United States is the Californian Empire, under the rule of the House of Norton. Like the OTL German Empire, the Californian Empire is the "boss" of lesser monarchs. One of those monarchs is the Grand Duke of Hill Valley. In 1885, Marty is the heir to George II. His brother David has already inherited another territory owned by the family, the Grand Duchy of Yuba and Penn Valley, leaving Marty to inherit Hill Valley itself. (The empire thought that having two grand duchies made the family too powerful, so they were forced to partition.)

Doctor Emmett von Braun works for the grand ducal family as Prince Martin's tutor. He also hopes to build a steam-powered time machine.

Jennifer, meanwhile, is the only (surviving) child of Daniel II, Prince of Grass Valley to the west of Hill Valley. Frederick Thomas, called "Biff," is titled as "Prince of Dawson and Tannen," but is not the sovereign of any state in the empire. He is, however, the direct descendant of one of Hill Valley's earlier rulers, Benjamin II (OTL Beauregard). Benjamin died without any legitimate descendants, so the crown of Hill Valley passed to his niece Margaret—i.e. OTL Maggie McFly. (Like most 19th century royalty, they're all related a bit.) Despite being descended from a bastard line, however, Biff very much feels he is the rightful ruler of Hill Valley.

The stories themselves are/will be on AO3, but I intend to add futher background lore here.

The stories

Lore and other pieces

[ BTTF ]