82 Eridani

82 G. Eridani (HD 20794, HR 1008, e Eridani) is a star 19.7 light-years (6.0 parsecs) away from Earth in the constellation Eridanus. It is a main-sequence star with a stellar classification of G6 V, and it hosts a system of fifteen planets and two dust disks. The seventh planet, Atlantis, has been terraformed for human settlement.

Map of 82 Eridani (center) and nearby stars in 3250, with trade routes. The galactic core is at the bottom.
Map of the inner part of the 82 Eridani system. Atlantis is the first planet outside the habitable zone (the green belt). The planet within the zone is Pacifica (82 Eri f), an ocean planet with no solid surface. The diagram is 5 AU across.

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