My Original Characters
Details on the original characters featured in my Back to the Future fanfics.
Polly Brown

Pauline Nightingale "Polly" Brown PhD is Doc and Clara's third child and first daughter. She is also the wife of Marty Junior. She was born in Hill Valley on October 23, 1996, and in most timelines dies on December 5, 2150 at the age of 154.[1]
Polly grew up very close to both Junior and Marlene. Unlike them, however, she went to Gale High School on the east end of town and graduated with the class of 2015. Like her father, she ultimately went to Princeton University, and got a PhD in astrophysics in 2025. (For the record, her favorite planet is Neptune.)
Polly married Marty Junior on July 11, 2026, while pregnant with their second child, Marty III ("Trip"). Their first child, Maya Marie, was born on February 1, 2025, and their third child, Emilia Sienna, was born on May 1, 2029.
Christine Fitzgerald

Christine Anne Fitzgerald (October 9, 1988 – April 3, 2139) is Verne's wife. She met Verne in the third grade, but they did not date until well after high school. They were married in 2018.
She is a self-taught computer expert. Christine had legal troubles relating to her hacking after high school. She ended up not going to college, though her skills were self-evident enough that it wasn't necessary for her to get a good job.[2]
Her children with Verne, Daisy Hopper Brown and Harold Turing Brown, have middle names that are the surnames of prominent computer scientists.
John McFly
John Thomas McFly (November 27, 1933 – September 28, 2056) was George McFly's older brother. He did not exist until after Marty and Doc interfered with Arthur and Sylvia's relationship, causing them to be married in 1931 instead of 1936. He married Shirley Jo Sanders on Leap Day 1956; Shirley Jo had committed suicide in the original timeline. Their three children are Darren Todd, Connie Ann, and Janet Melinda.[3]
On November 12, 1955, John was just short of 22 and not living in Hill Valley (TBD).
Brittany Pasternak

Brittany Anne Pasternak PhD (Ukrainian: Бріттани А́нн Данилівна Пастернак, romanized Brittany Ann Danylivna Pasternak) is Jules' wife. She was born on January 28, 1992 in Los Angeles, and dies on May 9, 2158 in Hill Valley at the age of 166.
Her father, Danylo Pasternak, was a Ukrainian-Jewish chess player from the Soviet Union, who defected to America in 1977. Her mother, Alexandra Orlov, was a first-generation American, the daughter of a farmer who fled the USSR in 1953. Alexandra was Orthodox Christian and Brittany was raised as such. She spoke Ukrainian at home, but has a strong American accent in that language (as does her mother).
She graduated from Birmingham High School in Los Angeles in 2010, and got a PhD in history from UC Berkeley in 2021. Shortly thereafter she began teaching at Hill Valley College. She met Jules via Agatha Petersen, who was one of her students. She was Jules' first girlfriend, and their relationship became serious very quickly.[4] They married in 2028.
Agatha Petersen

Agatha Petersen is Marlene's wife. She was born in Hill Valley on August 24, 1900, and in the original timeline was murdered by her father, Edwin, on August 29, 1921. After Marlene and company intervened, her death is on October 4, 2156 at the age of 155.
Her father discovered she was a lesbian in the original timeline after catching her with a girl named Helen Lloyd. While he had never physically abused her before (unlike her brothers), she was always aware that this was preconditioned on her being absolutely perfect. Having deviated from perfection, he flew into homicidal rage. He was however arrested, found guilty of murder based on Helen's testimony (he let her go), and sentenced to death by Judge Erhardt Brown. (In the modified timeline, Marlene took Helen's place.)
Agatha is very musically inclined, and plays piano, cello, and violin for Marlene's band, the Bombshells. She likes performing, but doesn't do any aftershow stuff with the band. (She usually needs a nap at that point, and she finds social interaction exhausting.)
She married Marlene on Saturday, December 26, 2026. It was fairly customary for her family to have weddings on Christmas Day, but Marlene was nervous about doing it that specific day. They adopted a daughter, Luna Augusta Petersen-McFly, who was born in 2027. This did not occur in all timelines, however.[5]
Minor OCs
Ashley, Emily, and Samantha
The other members of Marlene's band, The Bombshells.
Lisa Hossfeld and Michelle Poole
Jennifer's high school friends. She met Lisa in middle school and Michelle in elementary school. She is closer to Michelle, who still calls her "Jenny" as she did when they met.
Makyu-mikflah (b. June 3, 2748) is a temporal soldier and officer of the North American Union Temporal Forces, and also a 27th-generation descendant of Marty McFly. In the year 2785, he is the commanding officer of the trans-temporal monitoring space station Iw-vawey ("Taen-wáaj Stexan Iw-vawey"). On the 800th anniversary of the first temporal displacement, a catastrophe at the station is averted with the help of Doc and Marty (McFly July 2023: Chapter 9).
His name is pronounced roughly MAH-kyoo MEEK-flah-(yə). He is married to a woman named Mehi-joyz, and they have a daughter, Saruhn, and a son, Rijuh. All are among approximately 72 million descendants Marty has that are alive in 2785.
Sarah Parish
Sarah was Marlene McFly's high school girlfriend. She dated Sarah after breaking up with Griff Tannen.
Edwin Petersen
Edwin Stanley Petersen (May 4, 1872 – December 16, 1921 OTL / November 15, 1957 NTL) was Agatha's father. He was an attorney and the Klabee (treasurer) and Exalted Cyclops (president) of the Hill County Klanton (chapter) of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s. In the original timeline, he beat Agatha to death after catching her in bed with another woman, and was executed for the crime. Due to Marlene's intervention, both of them lived beyond 1921 in later timelines.
Buffy Strickland
Buffy Strickland bullied Marlene in middle school. Buffy and her older brother Clay are the great-grandchildren of Robert Strickland (1909–1985), who was Principal Gerald's older brother.
Nick West, Steven Wallace, and Rory Lundquist
The Pinheads. Nick is the bassist, Steven the drummer, and Rory the keyboardist.
Zoey is Junior's best friend, who he met in middle school. (Marlene had a crush on Zoey at the same time.)
- ^ Rejuvenation technology greatly expands human lifespan over the course of the 21st and 22nd centuries; by the middle of the 22nd century, average life expectancy in the United States is about 160.
- ^ Christine's full name and computer skills are a shoutout to the excellent Person of Interest fanfiction series The Chaos AU by LindaO. However, the idea of Verne having a girlfriend name Christine is ultimately inspired by his friend in the animated series episode "Verne's New Friend" (which I've never seen). I don't picture Christine Fitzgerald as particularly like what I know of Animated!Christine.
- ^ John is first mentioned, but does not make an appearance, in my fic The Post Game Wrap Up.
- ^ As mentioned in Chapter 20 of McFly July 2023. Brittany's first appearance in one of my fics was in Chapter 5 of "A Royal Doctober".
- ^ In particular, Chapter 23 of McFly July 2023, in which they instead adopt doomed children from throughout history.
[ BTTF ]