Hello there!

You can call me John. By day, I'm a trained statistician who seems to have gotten stuck in a career in accounting. By night, I live in my own little worlds.

I have a lot of worlds. I’ve always been a creative sort, and have always been trying to write stories. The operative word there is trying—while I’ve written an awful lot, and have finished stories, I seem to enjoy the process of creating background detail for my stories more than actually writing them. In other words, I’m a worldbuilder.

I have mountains of background details for a number of fictional universes. People, timelines, maps, population and economic statistics. (I’m also a mathematical sort.) I've needed my own website for a long time, and now I'm finally getting around to creating one!

My plan for this website is to split it between fandom projects and original projects. My main fandoms—the ones I've actually written fanfics for—are Back to the Future (BTTF) and Doctor Who. I was introduced to BTTF by my best friend back in elementary school, c. 1997, and by this point I know those movies inside and out. I'm certain I could recite all three, line-by-line, from memory. I’ve been a Doctor Who fan since summer 2015, when I on-demanded the episode “Listen” on a whim. I was hooked instantly. Most of the fanfics I've posted for DW are Twelfth Doctor/Clara Oswald fics.

Most of my original works are science fiction. I have an interrelated set of universes that are all branches of a future history involving human settlement of the galaxy. Some involve aliens, some don't. I've created 100+ solar systems for background, most with just statistics for the main planet and notes on what kind of planets the others are. In 2013, I also wrote 54,000 words of a novel featuring a "Time Bureau" monitoring the timestream. (It fell apart partly because I didn't know what happened between 2118 and 2442, where the agents were based, and partly because I didn't know what the villains actually wanted.)

Other works include a number of fictional and alternate history monarchies, with extensive family trees; and election results from an alternate universe where RFK lived and the US developed a multi-party system.

Hopefully, I'll have stuff for all of them up here eventually.